Laser tooth bleaching makes your teeth two- three shades lighter .. Mad removes the yellow mess completely giving you the perfect shiny bright smile !
How long the procedure takes
The entire procedure takes about 1 hour.
Tooth Precautions after Bleaching
To see the best results of laser teeth bleaching, avoid acidic and tannin-rich foods and following beverages for 24-48hrs :
- Black teas and coffee
- White and red wine
- Sports drinks
- Carbonated beverages (dark and light-colored sodas)
- Berries and other strongly-colored foods like handi , beetroot
- Sauces (soy, tomato, curries)
Difference between Tooth Whitening by Dentist and at home whitening kits
Teeth whitening done by your dentist can get teeth brighter faster. The bleaching solution is usually much stronger than at-home kits. Also, heat, light, or a combination of the two may be used to speed and intensify the whitening process. Laser bleaching is safe and causes no sensitivity to the teeth.
On the other hand the at home bleaching a kits when used frequently and in high quantities can damage the enamel as they contain abrasive particles which are not good for the teeth.
To be sure tooth-whitening is worth your time and money, talk to your dentist and before going for it.